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Lecture: Shilpa Naik
Sep 24 @ 3:00 pm – 4:30 pm

Shilpa Naik is a Master student in the poly-PEDAL Lab.

Lecture: Elena Chiridnick
Sep 24 @ 2:00 pm – 2:30 pm

Elena Chiridnick is a former M.Sc. student from the ITECH Program at the University of Stuttgart.

Elena will show us her research on the mechanisms involved in the tail of the spring beetle and how this compliant motion principle can be translated into architectural constructions.

Lecture: Simon Poppinga
Sep 26 @ 2:00 pm – 3:30 pm

Dr. Simon Poppinga (Plant Biomechanics Group, University of Freiburg)

“How plants move, and how the motion principles can inspire new technologies”
From very slow growth processes to ultrafast spore cannons: plant motion speed spans at least seven orders of magnitude, and the diversity of motions and of the principles of actuation has fascinated scientists as well as engineers for centuries. I will briefly explain how plants can generate movement, and how the underlying principles can be used for biomimetic technical applications. Examples to be described in detail are: the slow hygroscopic motions of false indusia in ferns and of pine cones; the fast snap trap action in the carnivorous Venus flytrap and of the catapult-flypaper trap in sundews; the ultrafast prey capture via suction in bladderworts and by snapping in the waterwheel plant; as well as the ultrafast spore catapults in ferns. By presenting several cases of highly specialized pollination mechanisms I will also show how completely passive yet complex motion can be achieved, which is free of metabolic ‘costs’ (in terms of energy). Attendees will get up-to-date insights into current research projects concerning the physics of plant motion, its abstraction and technical implementation.

Monday, September 26 at 2 pm in room 104 Wurster Hall
(please note the different room and I kindly ask you to be on time)


International Lecture Series: Jessica Rosenkrantz and Jesse Louis-Rosenberg @ Wurster Hall
Oct 5 @ 6:30 pm

Jessica Rosenkrantz and Jesse Louis-Rosenberg ( Nervous System)

Jessica and Jesse will discuss Nervous System’s unique approach to product design through generative techniques, 3d-printing and interactivity. Along the way, they will take several detours into the realms of natural pattern formation, simulation, and biology. The talk will focus on some of Nervous System’s latest projects including a 4D printing technique that creates complex, foldable forms for 3D printing and an exploration into the morphogenesis of plants.

Nervous System was founded in 2007 by Jessica Rosenkrantz and Jesse Louis-Rosenberg. Jessica currently acts as Creative Director and Jesse as Chief Science Officer. Together they lead a team of four.

Jessica Rosenkrantz graduated from MIT in 2005 and holds degrees in Architecture and Biology. Afterwards, she studied architecture at the Harvard Graduate School of Design. Jesse Louis-Rosenberg also attended MIT, majoring in Mathematics. He previously worked as a consultant for Gehry Technologies in building modeling and design automation.

Lecture: Andrei Nejur
Oct 11 @ 2:00 pm – 3:30 pm

Today our Studio One class at UC Berkeley will have visiting scholar Andrei Nejur giving a lecture and tutorial session about his amazing Ivy-plugin for Rhino. We are looking forward to learning more about the new features of the latest version.

10/11 Wurster Hall, rm170, 2-3:30pm
Event is open to public. Stop by if you are around.


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