Lecture: Anna Bauer

Thursday, October 21, 11 am via Zoom

Zoom: https://berkeley.zoom.us/j/97407613491?pwd=ZUIvVFpnWFdNemZ4bGFMYVRiQ3hoUT09

Dr.-Ing. Anna Bauer

(Mayr Ludescher Partner, Technical University of Munich)

Title: “Isogeometric analysis and its application to bending-active structures”

Abstract: Dr.-Ing. Anna Bauer is a structural engineer at Mayr Ludescher Partner. She received her Ph.D. from the Chair of Structural Analysis of Prof. Dr.-Ing. K.-U. Bletzinger at the Technical University of Munich where she worked on the development of the novel simulation approach of isogeometric analysis with CAD-integration for the design of lightweight structures. The applications are manifold but one main focus is the construction process of bending-active structures. She obtained her degree B.Sc. (2012) and M.Sc. (2015) in Civil Engineering at the Technical University of Munich. In 2018, she was awarded the IASS Hangai Prize for her paper on sliding cables with isogeometric analysis at the annual symposium.

Link: http://kiwi3d.com/
